Aktualization: 20.10.2008
Řád karmelitánů

The Carmelite Order
in the Czech Republic

The best way to find out more about the Carmelite Order is to look in the web pages of our English-speaking brothers. Here we would like to offer you some basic information about Carmel in the Czech Republic.

The Carmelites first came to the Bohemia more than six centuries ago. Now, after a long and difficult history, they are working in three convents:

The Convent at Kostelní Vydří
Kostelní Vydří is a place of pilgrimage with the church of Our Lady of Mount Carmel. The convent serves also as a place of rest and meditation for priests and friars. The Carmelites are also in charge of a few parishes in the vicinity. Within the convent there is a bookshop selling books published by the Carmelite Publishing House.


Klášter karmelitánů
Kostelní Vydří 58
CZ 380 01
Tel/fax +420 384 420 119
e-mail: kostelni.vydri@karmel.cz

Praha – Liboc
Since 1996, the Carmelites have lived and worked in the former parish building and now look after the parish and are active in pastoral work. The Major Superior of the Carmelite Order in the C.R. and the General Delegate of the Order, Father Vojtech Kodet, O.Carm., has his Head Quarters in this urban area, which is near the Prague airport.


Konvent karmelitánů
Libocká 41
Praha 6 - Liboc
CZ-162 00
Tel/fax +420 220 611 336
e-mail: praha@karmel.cz

Olomouc – Hejčín
The convent at Hejčín was founded in 1990 as the second regular convent of the Carmelite Order in the Czech republic It is primarily a home for those brothers who are studying theology at Olomouc University. Besides that, the community looks after three small parishes.


Konvent karmelitánů
Cyrilometodějské nám. 1
Olomouc - Hejčín
CZ-779 06
Tel/fax +420 585 425 025
e-mail: olomouc@karmel.cz

The Third Order Secular
of the Carmelite Order
in the Czech Republic

The 40 years of Communism in the Czech republic considerably influenced the life of the church here. Out of the former existing Third Order Secular (the community of Christian lay people who are inspired by Carmelite spirituality) only a few isolated persons, who experienced their connection with the Carmel only in spirit, are left. Following the political change in the Republic in 1989, the friar community can now live in freedom and the community of lay people involved can also live and develop freely. Under the guidance of the Carmelites, the new Third Order Secular of our Lady of Mount Carmel has sprung from the wide circle of friends and benefactors. The tertiaries and others involved from different regions of the country meet with Carmelite priests and friars at intervals of one or two months. The programme of these meetings is usually: a lecture, the Eucharist and an exchange of ideas and experiences.
Each year, the Carmelites conduct retreats for the tertiaries. So far, more than two hundred people have taken the vow to live faithfully and truly according to Carmelite spirituality in the community of the Third Order Secular.

Further Communities
of the Carmelite Family
in the Czech Republic

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